Facial massage benefits - general points

Calgary facial massage

Fortunately, our muscles are capable of self-renewal. You may know that if you train skeletal muscles (the muscles of our body) at almost any age - they become more dense and elastic, and the body becomes more fit. The facial muscles work on the same principle. There is a reason that massage is called passive gymnastics. Facial, neck and low neck massage helps you relax stressed muscles and improve muscle tone. As a result, the face oval will become tightened, and wrinkles will smooth out and disappear.  In addition, massage improves blood circulation and increases the flow of arterial blood – and skin cells get more nutrients and oxygen. The result is improved skin turgor and colour, and slowing of the aging process. With the outflow of venous blood and lymph, facial massage helps eliminate swelling and has a lifting effect. Calgary facial massage


Fortunately, our muscles are capable of self-renewal. You may know that if you train skeletal muscles (the muscles of our body) at almost any age - they become more dense and elastic, and the body becomes more fit. The facial muscles work on the same principle. There is a reason that massage is called passive gymnastics. Facial, neck and low neck massage helps you relax stressed muscles and improve muscle tone. As a result, the face oval will become tightened, and wrinkles will smooth out and disappear. In addition, massage improves blood circulation and increases the flow of arterial blood – and skin cells get more nutrients and oxygen. The result is improved skin turgor and colour, and slowing of the aging process. With the outflow of venous blood and lymph, facial massage helps eliminate swelling and has a lifting effect.

You can see significant improvement even after first session!