Microcurrent facial

Microcurrent facial

Gym workout for your face-get lifted brows and a more chiseled features without needles or scalpels!

Microcurrent facial is a special type of physiotherapy, the main purpose of which is to rejuvenate the skin with the help of a pulsed current, which has an exceptionally positive effect.
This effect is based on weak pulsed currents, which are similar to the electrical impulses of the human body.

The soft, delicate effect of microcurrent at the cell level leads to a significant improvement in blood microcirculation and acceleration of metabolic processes.

In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the vascular system, muscles, subcutaneous fat. The result of this effect is:

  • Normalization of electric charge in cell membranes.
  • ATP synthesis (by 500%) and amino acid transport (by 30–40%) increase significantly.
  • blood microcirculation is getting better, which means that all the required nutrients and oxygen will be delivered to the cells faster.
  • cellular regeneration, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin proteins occurs at a faster pace.
  • changes occur in the muscle membrane of blood vessels - its tone is markedly increased. But with permeability, on the contrary, a problem arises, it decreases. As a result of this, the lymphatic outflow increases, toxins and metabolic products are more quickly excreted from the cells.

The treatment are chosen after consultation. It might be:

  • lymphatic drainage- after surgery : blepharoplasty, circular facelift, etc.
  • reprogramming of facial muscles.
  • microcurrent lifting of the skin of the face and neck.


Microcurrent lymphatic drainage is the process of releasing tissues from excess fluid. After 25-30 years, the blood flow in the skin decreases, fluid stagnation occurs in the interstitial space. Here, there is an accumulation of waste products of cells, which leads to damage to facial tissues. Lymphatic drainage copes with this problem, eliminates circles, removes swelling under the eyes. Reprogramming facial muscles aims to restore nutrition and muscle tone of the face. This is a brilliant alternative to Botox. As a result of the influence of microcurrents on the epidemic the muscles relax completely. Thanks to the lifting of the neck and face, carried out by means of microcurrents, you can count on getting rid of wrinkles and sagging skin, in addition, the tone of the facial muscles will significantly increase.

What are the contraindications of the Microcurrent treatment?

Microcurrent should not be used when the following conditions are present:

  • Epilepsy
  • Acute infection with a high temperature
  • Stroke – in the first two weeks
  • Allergies to the active ingredients in gels / products
  • Immune deficiency disease
  • Thyroid problems
  • Hepatitis
  • Oral blood thinners / Circulation problems
  • Pregnancy
  • Heart problems
  • Pace Maker
  • Diabetics
  • Cancer
  • Anti-coagulating drugs (i.e., Warfarin and Heparin)
  • People taking a variety or high dosage of drugs
  • Up to six months after heart surgery
  • Hypersensitive people (e.g., chronic fatigue)
  • Contagious conditions
  • Implanted defibrillators or stimulators